
Ali Oseku (b. in 1944) in Tirana, Albania. In 1959 – 1963 he attended artistic lyceum “Jordan Misja”. In 1969, Ali Oseku graduated in painting in the “Academy of Fine Arts”, Tirana. From 1970 to 1973 he become the scenographer of the “National Theatre of Opera and Ballet”, Tirana. He was imprisioned for three years during the dictatorship in 1975 – 1979.

He was condemned as a modernist who had fallen under the evil spell of Picasso, Chagall, Jackson Pollock and Salvador Dali. In 1987, Oseku painted Enver Hoxha’s 8 by 10 portrait. In 1991 – 1998, was a curator in “National Gallery Of Arts”. From 1998 to 2014,  become an Associate Professor and Head of Graphic Department at the “Academy of Fine Arts”, Tirana. In 2014 and on-going, painter in free creativity.


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