
Ergys Zhabjaku has graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in the Scenography and Costume Designing Department and has completed second level studies at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art Studies at the Ethnology-Folklore branch. He has always practiced photography as a medium for his projects. His work includes painting, graphics, and mostly photographs.

Currently he is a lecturer at the European University of Tirana. In February 2017 he participated in the international exhibition “Imago Mundi-Rotte Mediterranee” from the “Benetton Studies and Research” foundation in Palermo, Italy. In July 2016 he participated in the international exhibition “Muslim Mulliqi Award” organized by the National Gallery of Kosovo. In June 2016 he was a participant in the sixth art exhibition at the Tirana Business University titled “Briefing Artistic Encouragement”. In April 2016 he participated in the exhibition “Imago Mundi”, a project of the “Benetton Studies and Research” Foundation, implemented in Albania by EJAlbum. In November 2013 she was the only participant from Albania at the collective exhibition “I’m in Kosovo” organized by Pravo Ljudski Film Festival in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In August 2013 he was the only participant from Albania at the DOKUPHOTO workshop organized by DOKUFEST, directed by Pep Bonet and Andrew Testa. In April 2013 she organized a personal exhibition in the genre of photography titled “Unused Energy” organized by Miza Galeri. In December 2011 he was a participant in the photography genre at the exhibition entitled “Paintings of Modern Life”, the XVIII edition of the International Exhibition of Visual Arts “Onufri 2011” organized by the Tirana National Art Gallery.


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