Merita Selimi was born in Shkodër, Albania. In 1988-1992 she graduated in “Graphic” at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana, Albania.

In 1993-2003 Selimi was the Responsible of Art at the International Center of Culture, Tirana. In 2003-2015 she was the Head of Support Services, Q.K.F.T.K, Tirana. From 2004 until now, Selimi is a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana.



In my work the events spoil the time and spatial order, as we are taught to feel in everyday life. This enables the intensity of the work and its connection with the impulse of life. The visual language that I use is graphic, black and white, never fading away, I have called myself and I tried to put everything that leaves the subject more sensible, really for the viewer. Comes as a sketch of the first thought and gives the subject freedom. The lines and forms used are in function of the work. What I intend to do through my work is not the overthrow of a thought, a situation or a norm; rather, it is the creation of a moment for self, intimacy that is entirely yours. Drawing allows you to express and in that expression everyone is able to give and take something. Drawing allows me to get out of life, I use her sensitivity to give life to feeling and to reshape it.

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