Remijon Pronja (b. Albania, 1984) currently lives in Tirana.

He is also a co-founder of MIZA Galeri [], an artist-run space in Tirana devoted (since 2012) to the promotion and support of emerging artists from Albania and abroad. Pronja has taken part in numerous international group exhibitions in his home country (Shkodra and Tirana) and across Europe (Pavia, Milano, Bari, Stockholm, Sarajevo, Berlin, and Budapest) as well as in Canada (Toronto).



Pronja’s artwork is about human condition. He has always been drawn toward the way whereby different cultures have struggled to describe the attempts of human beings to become the owners of their existences. His MA in Fine Arts at the University of Milan led him to investigate cultural appropriation adopting a interdisciplinary method. His installations, paintings, and drawings encompass recurring themes taken from human existence and phobias. An interdisciplinary method, homesickness, migration and sense of loss are among the topics Pronja brings to life to shed light on social issues.

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