“A five-pointed star” exhibition at the Zeta Gallery on 4th – 22nd of October 2018 includes five artists (Fatlum Doçi, Alketa Ramaj, Donika Çina, Dritan Hyska and Kosta Koçi), they work with different media and also present different themes. The common theme of the exhibition is the artist’s sensitivity to how the society interacts and curator Marko Stamenkovic’s aim was is to highlight the interoperability between periods of time by introducing complementary elements in the exhibition, coming from other artistic era (the period of socialist realism).

From a curatorial point of view, the works obliquely call for the viewers attention.
The impacts of a period not so distant in time, full of pressure, is felt in the gray paintings of Dritan Hyska, which represent the current non-aesthetic buildings (without breathing space, without any connection to nature and man) and demolished ones (fuelled by the recent events of demolished informal constructions).
The watercolour paintings of artist Kosta Koçi from 1985, represent military entertaining in their free time. But the feeling of freedom hardly reflects in them. It is always an observing eye that oversees it all.
Fatlum Doçi, with his watercolours, creates a slightly unrestricted point of view and beyond the limits of the social hierarchy created by man, focusing abstractly on nature as well as on reflections of reproductive elements through its forms (nature).
Alketa Ramaj and Donika Çina bring to the exhibition their installations, which pose concerns about social problems. If Alketa Ramaj plays with the horizontal and vertical standing of the elements used and consequently changes the purpose of the elements of her works, Donika Çina plays with the notion that inability (to understand or act) is not a clearly divided issue.
Donika has displayed a printed text adapted for people with visual impairment. In this case, those who have the inability or disability to read and understand are people with healthy eyesight. Also, Çina’s work is indirectly linked to Hyska’s work, for the fact that her text revolves around communication with a construction company.
Lingering carefree are the two elements involved in the gallery: a painting of the socialist realism period (a reflection of a march on the occasion of the 40th liberation anniversary), as well as a pair of feminine slippers. The way these elements are placed in the exhibition create the impression of oblivion, but in fact it s not as such. They talk about (not) the (apparent) influence of the female element in society; of the recent past as well.
“A five-pointed star” invites us to enrich the perspectives on phenomena and events by linking themes, media, time and characters from time, different spaces and senses.