Various works of Irena Buzi have been exposed at MAD Center, near Polis University. The exhibition will be open during June 10th – July 10th and contains 80 works of art that the artist has selected among her creations between the period of 1990-2000. Irena Buzi brings her first exhibition in Albania, with the curation of Dr. Joana Dhiamandi.

All the exposed works belong to visual art, although they were created through different mediums and techniques, such as oil and acrylic paintings, charcoal drawings and bronze sculptures. This very personal exhibition contains the artist’s experiences related to the countless social developments that took place in the 2000s in Albania. Irena Buzi’s works are focused on the way she experienced political changes in Albania and Kosovo. A multitude of paintings consist on foggy and occasionally disfigured shapes, quick and short brushstrokes that carry some sort of perturbation. Some other paintings display geometric shapes in contrasting colors. Some others are achromatic, surreal and simple, in an infantile style and with no explanation of the object. Small-sized sculptures also have shapes that flow without declaring any identity affiliation, but only sensations.
The creations are extended in time, which explains the differences in style and nature between the selected works. They are organized in different groups, and based on the words of the artist, a common element of all is the avoidance of clear human subjects. The portraits are often abstract and aim to reflect the subject in a moment before speaking, engaged only in listening or looking. In most paintings the subjects are either almost human or not human at all; few portraits can be distinguished. The colors are often strong and dark. Some paintings are accompanied by poetry, while the titles and dimensions of the works are handwritten.
*Irena Buzi was born in Fier (Albania) in 1975. She studied Business at the Faculty of Economy. Afterwards she studied and graduated in Sculpture at the Academy of Arts in Tirana. Irena Buzi has dedicated her career to visual arts with her specialization in graphic design and doctoral studies in archaeological sciences for ancient sculptures. Engaged mainly in painting and sculpture, she has been part of international exhibitions and has published several essays on art.