Reviews 171

Exhibition | Off Season | Galeria e Bregdetit
Harabel Contemporary

Screening & Talk | Anri Sala “Le Clash”
Harabel Contemporary

Exhibition | Weaving the future III

Exhibition | “Ardhje” Award Finalists 2021
Harabel Contemporary

Exhibition | Dramamine | Lek M. Gjeloshi
Harabel Contemporary

Exhibition | “South by the Sea II – Where the Roads are paved with gold” | Galeria e Bregdetit
Harabel Contemporary

Exhibition | “Missing Stories”
Harabel Contemporary

Exhibition | “Punto di Rugiada” | Stefano Romano
Harabel Contemporary

Screening | DokuFest 2021
DokuFest &Harabel Contemporary

Exhibition | Andrea Anastasio, Patrick Tuttofuoco | “I Veggenti”
Harabel Contemporary & Italian Embassy in Tirana