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Destil | Tirana
12th October 2021

Anri Sala |“Le Clash”/Harabel Contemporary

Harabel Contemporary is pleased to invite you to the screening of the film “Le Clash” by Anri Sala on October 12th at 18:30. The event will take place at the new premises of Destil and it will be followed by a talk between the artist and the public.

This event is supported by the Ministry of Culture.

Le Clash (2010)

From the inside of a bricked-up building, a once influential rock and punk venue, comes the famous riff of a song.

Slowly revolving the handle of a barrel organ, two musicians stroll past the abandoned concert hall. The sounds of the organ and their singing synchronize with the resonating riff, prompting a simultaneous stereo effect.

A man wanders around the place with a shoebox under his arm. Listening absentmindedly, he slowly turns a small handle that sets off – note by note – a different version of the same song.

When the distinct melodies conjoin, a sense of shifting reality occurs, highlighting two differing recollections of a punk song. They carry to the present the melody of the song; the hardcore of its punk and its low frequencies having dissipated on the floor of the deserted venue, where it was once performed.

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