Reviews 115

Exhibition | Future Ecologies – The Isle of Thorns
Harabel Contemporary

Exhibition | Tintirini | Jakup Ferri
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | Inevitable | Robert Aliaj Dragot
Harabel Contemporary

Bashkëbisedim | Alketa Xhafa Mripa | Libri “Vepra e saj” | “Aktivizmi pro gruas përmes artit”
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | “Punime të zgjedhura” | Irena Buzi
Harabel Contemporary

Workshop & Exhibition | Visual Art Lab | TULLA Culture Center
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | Dogs / Roses / Swimmers and Painters / Amongst the Foliage | Shpëtim Kërçova
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | You act like mortals in all that you fear, and like immortals in all that you desire | Ardian Isufi
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | 88 dritëhije dhe ngjyra | Sali Shijaku
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | Manifesti i mbijetesës | TULLA – Culture Center
Harabel Contemporary