Reviews 115

Bashkëbisedim | Francesco Tenaglia (Mousse Magazine)
Harabel Contemporary & Instituti Italian i Kulturës

Ekspozitë | The room of the missing steps |Gazmend Leka
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | Mountains and water and blossoms and birds | Wilhelm Scheruebl
Harabel Contemporary

Exhibition | Proof | Adrian Paci
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | Premtime Perëndimore | Emiliano Perino; Luca Vele
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | The Cat above and the Mouse below | Olson Lamaj
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | Metrat e fundit | Edit Pula(j)
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | Spring Airlab Exhibition | Altin Krasniqi, Blerta Hoçia, Donika Ҫina
Harabel Contemporary

Projektim | DokuFest 2019
Harabel Contemporary

Ekspozitë | Duke pikturuar filmin | Shyqyri Sako
Harabel Contemporary