Alketa Ramaj graduated from the Academy of Arts in Tirana in 2006.

She was the recipient of the 2012 Onufri Award and 2013 Ardhje Award. Her work has been exhibited in Albania and abroad in exhibitions and venues including: Bienal de Curitiba ’17 (Curitiba, Brazil); Galerie Heike Strelow (Frankfurt/Main, Germany); Viennacontemporary, (Vienna, Austria); 3rd Edition of Project Biennial of Contemporary “Art D-0 ARK Underground, Atomic Shelter”, (Konjic, BIH); Bienal del Fin del Mundo, Mar Del Plata, (Valparaiso, Chili); Fondazione Museo Pino Pascali (Bari, Italy); ISCP, international studio & curatorial program (New York, USA); Stacion, Center for Contemporary Art (Prishtina, Kosovo); La Fenice Gallery (Venice, Italy) etc.



Her work is typified by an incessant curiosity and permanent study of new forms of expression, which reveals a striking independence in terms of applying her own critical and personal working methods. The emotional relationship the artist builds with the environment she lives in terms of social connection, historical and the political context are reflected in her practice that develops in different mediums.

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