Enkelejd Zonja (b, in 1979 in Fier, Albania) lives and works in Tirana (Albania). He completed his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana (2005-2008) and at the Royal University of Fine Arts in Stockholm (Sweden), (2008-2009).

He participated in a series of joint exhibitions such as: 1207 Km East, Mucem Museum, Marseille, France (2016); “Post Albanian Artists”, “Pino Pascali” Museum, Italy (2014); “Visit in the Wound”, Zeta Gallery, Tirana, Albania 2015; “Suden” KunstHalle, Berlin, Germany (2013); “Nord Art Event”, Budelsdorf, Germany (2012); “Iron Applause”, National Gallery of Slovakia, Bratislava (2011); “A History Out of the Contect”, The Promenade Gallery, Vlora, Albania (2011); Academy Graz Gallery, Grac, Austria (2010); “Onufri”, National Gallery of Art, Tirana, Albania (2010); Albania “Rewind / Play / Forward”, Zeta gallery, Tirana, Albania (2010); “Colors of the Frontiers”, Norman Castle, Brindisi, Italy (2009); Mejan Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden (2009); “Südlicht” 18M Gallery, Berlin, Germany (2009). Enkelejd Zonja was awarded the first prize in the “Newest Idea” competition, organized by the World Bank in Albania (2007), as well as the second prize in the international competition “Onufri” in Tirana, Albania (2009). He received a three-month residency from the Tirana Institute for Contemporary Art (TICA), (2010). He is a finalist of the 2009-2010 “Arrival” award and winner of the “Villa Romana” award in Florence (2012). He also received the first prize at the LiveArt competition (2013). ARTE television dedicated a special documentary to, “Pictures of a dictatorship” / “Les images d’unedictature” (Germany / France), (2014).


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