Oltsen Gripshi, was born in Durrës on August 10th, 1984. He is an artist, essayist, historical and art critic. After high school graduation in the Artistic Lyceum “Jan Kukuzeli” of Durrës he continued his studies at the painting of Fine Arts Academy G. B. Cignaroli of Verona where he is excellently graduated in 2006. In 2009, he mastered the Master Degree Post Lauream in the “Illustration, Aesthetic and Art Critique for Pedagogy in Iconography Reading”, at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at State University of Padua, Italy. From 2009-2010 he has worked at State Library of Verona in the archive and restoration of the antique books as well as categorization of literary fund of “Giuseppe Tucato”.

He is a teacher of Art History and Aesthetic. His artistic philosophical approach is that surreal-conceptual language, applying it with various medias such: painting on canvas, video art and installation. In 2010, Gripshi’s career begins with the introduction of his name in the Italian Encyclopaedia of Art, for later enriching it with the participation in exhibitions, biennales, competitions and various international events, international prizes and acknowledgments. In 2012, the II Degree in Specialisation School (Laurea Doctus) in the “Contemporary Art History and Show Disciplines”, at the Academy of Fine Arts G. B. Cignaroli of Verona, Italy. In 2017 Ph. D. (Philosophiae Doctor) he is very well graduated in the “History of Albanian art”, at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology Studies on Art at the Albanian Academy Centre (ASA) Tirana, Albania.


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