Gentian Gjikopulli, (born in 1974) currently lives in Tirana, Albania. He has studied painting and drawing at the Artistic High School “Jordan Misja” in Tirana and specialized in graphics. In 1992-1996 he graduated in Monumental Painting Section at Academy of Fine Arts Tirana, Albania. In 1996 he specialized in “arts plastique” in Luminy-Marseille, France. In 1996-1997 has worked as a painter in the National Historical Museum of Tirana and in 1997-2000 has worked as a graphic designer at the advertising agency R&T Advertising. From 1998 – til now he teaches painting, drawing and graphics at the Artistic High School “Jordan Misja”. Gentian Gjikopulli is the Co-founder of a tv-spots and advertisings studio.

In 1995, Gentian Gjikopulli exhibited a collective exhibition in Lausanne, Switzerland; the exhibition “Tunel ‘95” in the National Gallery of Arts in Tirana. He won the public prize at the collective exhibition “Spring ‘95”, in the National Gallery of Arts in Tirana; collective exhibition in Montalto di Castro, Italy; “The Heat” a collective exhibition in the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana. In 1996 he exhibited the “Musique de chambre”, a collective exhibition in the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana and at the same year another collective exhibition in Athens, Greece.  In 1997 he won the third prize in the exhibition “Onufri ’97”, at the National Gallery of Arts in Tirana. In 1998, he exhibited in the National Gallery of Arts in Tirana the collective exhibition “Welcome to wonderland” and the “Exhibition of autumn” at the XXI Gallery. In 1999 and 2003 he exhibited the “Onufri ‘99” and “Onufri ‘03” in the National Gallery of Arts in Tirana. In 2007, Gjikopulli exhibited “Ardhje I”, a collective exhibition, FAP Gallery at the Academy of Arts in Tirana and “Onufri ‘07” in the National Gallery of Arts in Tirana. In 2008 exhibited “Ardhje II” at FAP Gallery at the Academy of Arts in Tirana. In 2009 he exhibited the “Onufri ‘09” in the National Gallery of Arts in Tirana. In 2010, Gjikopulli exhibited  “Cosi vicina, cosi lontana” an collective exhibition in Genova, Italy. At the same year “Onufri ‘10” in the National Gallery of Arts in Tirana, was one of his exhbition. In 2014, he exhibited the “Symbiosis – a not so personal exhibition” solo show, at FAB Gallery at the University of Arts in Tirana.


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